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Untitled Vivaldi Thumbnail

Untitled Vivaldi

In 1705, the composer Antonio Vivaldi was hired as the conductor of an all-girl orchestra at the Pieta Orphanage in Venice, Italy. Vivaldi was a young, handsome 25 at the time.

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Shakespeare in Love, First Draft

I've received several requests over the years to make my early drafts of Shakespeare in Love available. Here's one of them ...

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Available Scripts

Cold Dark Sea Thumbnail

Cold Dark Sea

A Chinese spy submarine sinks to the bottom off the coast of North Korea. There’s only one country in the world with the capability of rescuing the Chinese crew alive.

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Mr. Horsepower Thumbnail

Mr. Horsepower

1946 in Los Angeles. The young guys were back from the war, a lot of them wanted to blow off some steam before they got down to their new peacetime lives.

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Four teen-aged boys from South Dakota travel to Mexico to become drug lords. What could possibly go wrong?

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Unproduced Favorites

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Paul Witt asked me to write a screenplay about a revolution in Bolivia. I asked him what else he had. “Nothing,” he said. “A revolution in Bolivia—that’s all I’ve got.”

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History records that Edward Teach, the pirate known as Blackbeard , was killed in a hand-to-hand battle with Lieutenant Robert Maynard of the Royal Navy and his crew of volunteers aboard Blackbeard’s ship in Ocracoke Inlet.

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Book - What Happens Next

The whole rich story is here: Herman Mankiewicz and the telegram he sent from Hollywood to his friend Ben Hecht in New York: "Millions are to be grabbed out here and your only competition is idiots."

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